
Class This Saturday

print-making-big-01Let your creative side soar! Josh Wolcott (M.F.A, M.Ed.) will break down the drawing and print making processes and show us that art can be done and enjoyed by all. We will draw inspiration from the beautiful landscape alongside the bluffs and use farm animals as models.

Lila Planavsky (M. Ed.) will then lead us through two simple but successful printmaking techniques on rice paper.  Join the fun.


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Time for Taste Tests


This time around we’ll be featuring cabbage.   We’re interested to see if children generally like or have tried cabbage at the beginning of the lesson.  After showing them how to make Apple Coleslaw, we will pole children to see if they enjoy cabbage in the recipe.  We have been able to grow cabbage in the gardens this year.

If you have filled out the School District Background check and would like to volunteer to help for the taste tests, check out these sign ups.

State Road Elementary:

Photos from Lesson #1lesson-1

Students enjoyed finding creatures in the garden. They determined if each was an insect based on the five characteristics (6 legs, antennas, 3 body parts-head, thorax, abdomen).
