4.22.2021 Happy Earth Day!
Happy Earth Day! Earth Day has been celebrated in the United States since 1970 and globally since 1990. This day has been set aside to remind us all how precious the environment is and to urge citizens to be a part of caring for our planet. This year we will celebrate Earth Day by taking a closer look at the importance of decomposers to our eco-system. Local author Nick Nichols shares his children’s book, Worm McWorm and the Decomposers, with us through a virtual read aloud. Worm McWorm and his friends the decomposers play a critical role in making soil rich with oxygen and nutrients needed to grow strong, healthy plants. All of our gardens count on decomposers to help us grow the nutritious foods we harvest. As you celebrate Earth Day today take a look around your environment. Can you find any little critters that help food grow? As you look for decomposers and pollinators around your neighborhood you can help take care of the environment by picking up any garbage you find. Help make our environment to healthy place to live on Earth Day and Everyday! |
Local author Nick Nichols shares his children’s book, Worm McWorm and the Decomposers to celebrate Earth Day. |