Growing Curious Minds
Garden programming is starting! We are excited to work with students again this spring.
The theme for this growing season is “Growing Curious Minds.” During our garden programming last fall, we did a lot of “noticing” and “wondering” while in the garden. This is an excellent lead-in to this spring as we incorporate more of the scientific method into our lessons.
The following are the topics of the spring lessons:
Lesson 1: What’s Inside a Seed
Lesson 2: Be a Botanist—Studying Photosynthesis
Lesson 3: Tasting Micro-greens

Lessons last year
Weekend Recap
Thank you to everyone who attended the Donor Party.
Special thank you to:
Heather Young – Thrivent Financial-A BIG thank you to Heather Young for donating a Thrivent Action Team for the Donor Party. Her Thrvient Action Team and one other Action Team covered all food costs for the Donor Party. Thanks Heather.
Liz Lesser – Hackberry’s Bistro – Thank you for the donation of the space and staffing. We really enjoyed the soups and lettuce wrap salad bar.
Trevor Brown – Opus Bakehouse – Thank you for the donation of bread and pastries. These were a hit.
Interns – Thank you for helping make the dinner possible.

Opus Backhouse bread
Upcoming Events:
This week- Staff and interns are starting seed lessons at the schools. Happy kick-off to the growing season!
Saturday– Climate Change Kids- La Crosse Public Library, 1 pm. Jamie O’Neill will be speaking as part of La Crosse Reads program about things Grow La Crosse does in school gardens and farm camps that help teach children about being kind to the environment.
Meet Our Interns

Hannah O’Brien, GROW Marketing and Communications Intern