Harvesting the Seeds
With the decreasing temperatures these past few weeks, it is time to start saving seeds and “put the gardens to bed” for the winter. Students at State Road Elementary and Hamilton/SOTA 1 helped us with this process.
At State Road, the students are helping save seeds from ground cherries, beans, basil, marigolds and tomatoes. After digging up the garden, leaves were then placed in and around the garden beds to provide insulation during the cold winter months. Hamilton students saved seeds from tomatoes and ground cherries as well. Each classes seeds were put in a tray or container so children can watch the seeds dry out over the next two weeks and see how much everyone has collected.
A few classes at Hamilton were also able to help pull out some of the dying plants from the soil to winterize their garden. This is important because we do not want to leave any diseased plants or insects in the garden over the winter.
Students also planted garlic in the garden, since garlic bulbs are like the “seed” for garlic. Fall is the time to plant bulbs such as garlic and tulips because it allows time to develop a root system in preparation for bloom in the spring months.
If you have a space to plant some garlic and you have not already, you should put some bulbs in the ground soon.
As garden lessons come to a close for now, interns Kirsten Arm and Cody Sromek would like to express how truly inspiring it was to work with the students and teachers within State Road and Hamilton Elementary schools. It was wonderful to see students so excited to learn about their gardens and even try new foods during the taste-testing lessons. Kirsten and Cody would also like to recognize Kari and Jamie (AKA “the garden ladies”) for all of the time, thought, and effort they put into making the gardens lessons an amazing experience for the students.