Welcome to the Hamilton and SOTA I School Garden!
Garden Location
The garden at 807 Johnson Street to serves the children at Hamilton and SOTA school.
The school garden was made possible through a purchase made by Shelter Development. The property is a vacant city lot located kitty-corner to Hamilton Early Learning Center in La Crosse. Shelter Development, who received a grant from Organic Valley to buy the land, is a non-profit organization that helps other non-profits with real estate needs.
GROW has agreed to develop and maintain the land as a garden space for students that will be used for learning experiences and for growing produce for student programming.

Garden Stats
- Established in 2012
- Students served: ~ 300
- Garden Educator: Shelly Staehly
- Area: 520 square ft.
- Garden Features: Five 4x4 foot beds. 80 total square feet of garden beds. Hamlot has a tool shed, four elevated raised garden beds, and perennial beds with raspberries and aronia berries.