
1.23.25 2024 Annual Report • Field Trips Start

2024 a Year of GROWth

During a week that’s been so cold there have been school closings it’s nice to look back on warmer days.  Over the past year we were able to invite more students than ever into our greenhouse space, improve our garden harvest systems, strengthen partnerships, and engage students in hands-on learning about environmental stewardship and food systems while increasing the number of pollinator friendly spaces in our community.  We had an outdoor growing season full of programing in gardens and at the farm.  These are the measurable outcomes from the year.  The innumerable moments of awe and wonder sparked when a student had their first experience tasting something fresh from the earth or feeling the softness of a milkweed plant are the true impact of our work. 

Follow the link below to review the 2024 Annual Report. Thank you for being a part of this important work through donations, participating in programs, volunteering or just sharing the story.  Together we are able to make a real difference. 

Link to the 2024 Annual Report.

First Week of Greenhouse Field Trips

In our first week of greenhouse field trips we hosted a group of 7th graders from Longfellow Middle School and a group of 2nd graders from Hamilton / SOTA I.  This season the hands-on learning station topics vary from grade to grade to deepen the connections to their classroom science curriculum.

Make a positive impact – support garden-based learning today!