
Newsletter 5.14.2020

Connecting children to healthy food and natureYou are Invited to GROWing Generosity TONIGHT!
GROWing Generosity is our largest fundraiser each year. This year GROWing Generosity is going virtual on our Facebook page!  Join us for big ticket and priceless auction items – bidding is open now until 9 pm tonight. 
 GROWing Generosity
Thursday, May 14th, 2020
6PM – 9PM 
GROW Facebook page
 All proceeds will go to connecting children to healthy food and nature. 
Successful Plant Sale
Thank you to all of those who supported this year’s plant sale!

We were so happy to be able to share the beautiful plants from Seed Savers Exchange and Deep Rooted. All the proceeds from the plant sale will go to school gardens and farm experiences. 

 GROW: See what’s new!
Thank You GROWing Generosity Sponsors! 
GROW would like to thank our sponsors for donating to this year’s GROWing Generosity virtual fundraiser event.Donate