
Mayo Partnership Strengthens Hamilton and SOTA I Schools

This week we would like to give a big thank you to everyone who took part in ribbon cutting at our new garden space.  A special thank you goes to our Corporate Sponsor, Mayo Clinic Health System.

Mayo Clinic Health System is the official sponsor of our new garden space near Hamilton/SOTA School located at 807 Johnson Street.  Their sponsorship provides funding to maintain and plan the garden.

The new school garden was made possible through a purchase made by Shelter Development. The property is a vacant city lot located a block away from Hamilton School in La Crosse. Shelter Development, who received a grant from Organic Valley to buy the land, is a non-profit organization that helps other non-profits with real estate needs.

GROW La Crosse has agreed to develop and maintain the land as a garden space for students that will be used for learning experiences and for growing produce for student programming.

If you missed the news clips, check them out here:

WXOW News Story

WKBT news story

La Crosse School District Story

Photo Credits: Kari Bersagel Braley and Nick Marcou

Garden Education:

Thank you to everyone who chipped in to the Sponsor A School Garden Campaign. This week we are highlighting people who donated to Hamilton and SOTA I schools.  We thank these people and businesses as they have provided $8000 towards garden education classes for the 2017-2018 school year.  This allows Grow La Crosse to provide hands-on garden education and taste tests at the school.  These education sessions will be moving to the new garden space as it is developed in the spring and summer.