
Newsletter 2.10.2020

Connecting children to healthy food and nature
2019 Annual Report
The 2019 Annual Report is ready for you to view. We are very proud of the work done in the past year and are looking forward to continued growth and development of our programs in 2020. The amazing impact a supportive community and an organization on a mission to connect children to healthy food and nature is clear to us. We hope by viewing this snapshot of the year you will feel that impact too. Follow this link to view the entire report.
Volunteering & Learning in the Greenhouse
For the upcoming weeks our new interns will be participating in a six part training series led by our preceptee, Haley. This training course enhances past training programs in an effort to ensure GROW interns are best prepared to carry out our mission.  

The last training focused on proper plant care when working with the school gardens. They practiced transferring plants and watering. Whether you are itching to start planting or you want to see the greenhouse space, we’d love to see you during these volunteer hours.  All are welcome!
Save the Dates
Mark your calendars and watch for details for
these upcoming GROW fundraisers! 
Pints, Produce & Proceeds
Pearl Street Brewery
Saturday, March 28th, 2020
5pm to 8pm
GROWing Generosity
Myrick Park Center
Thursday, May 14th, 2020
6pm to 9pm

Intern Spotlight
Meet our new Garden Educator Intern, Sarah!
Sarah is finishing her last semester at the University of Wisconsin – La Crosse. She is excited to work with a different population of community members and to familiarize herself more with the nutrition aspect of public health in order to better the community. 

Hometown: Sturgeon Bay, WI
Major: Public Health – Community Health Education
Year in School: Senior
What are you excited about GROW?

“I am excited to help kids get excited about the food they will grow and eat!”

We are very glad to have Sarah working with the students at the school gardens this spring!Donate to GROW