Outdoor Kitchen
This spring, we have been fortunate to have outdoor sinks at our schools. Thank you to Cody Sromek and Jed Olson for your help in constructing these! They look great.
Now we are able to wash fresh garden food and hands outside. This really shrinks the time from garden to table (or should I say mouth).
We were able to use directions on this blog to create the sinks. I wish I had one at home.
Comments on our kale chip demonstrations
Mrs. Brueggen’s 2nd grade class took some time after our last recipe demonstration to write down some of their comments on kale chips. Here are a few.
You make great healthy food.-Bella
I have low iron levels, so this is really good for me and delicious.-Caedus
I wish I had 1,000 kale chips and my mom would make them every day and they are very good. -Amelia
Kale chips are so good we should have a kale chip party. -Pearl
I will help my mom bake them.-Alyce
Thanks! We are glad you enjoyed them. Reminder to check out the recipe here: http://growlacrosse.org/2016/04/25/superfoods/
New Farm Camp Added
Class will be taught by Lila Planavsky. Lila teaches 4/5 grade special education at Summit Environmental School. She has a background in studio art and a love for nature and the outdoors.
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