Spence Fundraiser Recap
Last Saturday the Spence Garden Fundraiser party hosted at Pearl Street Brewery was a huge success! It was a fun-filled night with music from the Grand Picnic String Band, snacks from Festival Foods, T-Shirt printings from OnThree Printing, and raffle prizes galore!
We’d like to give a huge thank you to everyone who came and supported and donated to the party. The proceeds will go to fund the Harry Spence school garden and will allow students from the school to grow the very food they’ll eat in their cafeteria. GROW is constantly blown away by the kindness and generosity of this community. The support garnered from this event and every event like this will go directly back into the community. We cannot thank you all enough.
A special thank you to Jacqui Marcou and Sherry Beames, two dedicated parents who have spearheaded the Harry Spence garden efforts, including this fundraiser.
Seed and Plant Sale – Coming Soon
We will be doing our annual seed and plant sales again this year. Please come and support school gardens by buying herb, vegetable and flower starts for your garden and yard.
New this year: We will have native Wisconsin pollinator plants and some perennial options.
Order forms, seed list and plant list coming soon.
In the meantime, please mark your calendar for the Plant Sale dates.
Square Foot Garden Kits and Soil
Interested in a Square Foot Garden kit? WisCorps is selling kits that come with a predrilled 4’X4′ square foot garden frame, hardware, rope grid system, a how-to guide and 8 cubic feet of nutrient rich organic bed mix from Purple Cow Organics. Orders start March 11th. Last year they sold out early.
More details here.
Registration for farm camps is right here!