Thank You to Our Summer Volunteers
We want to say a big THANK YOU to all our summer volunteers that helped keep our farm camps running and the gardens growing.
Thank you to our summer garden volunteers. You help in a big way!
School Families
Many families came during the week and even the weekend to do garden maintenance like watering, weeding, and harvesting this summer. Children of these families helped as well. We appreciate these families for helping in the garden over the summer and for modeling community and healthy food involvement for their children.
Some Hamilton Elementary teachers brought their classes out during school to give the gardens some TLC and give the students a little biology lesson at the same time. Year round school has allowed them to be out in the garden during the most busy time: summer!
Community members
Thank you to our garden work day volunteers! Groups and families have come out during work sessions to help get some of the deeper cleaning and bigger jobs done. A group of dedicated gardeners recently donated their time on a rainy Saturday morning to help clean up State Road Elementary School garden while others volunteers came on a hot week day.
This summer Sam McClaire, Samantha Stipan, and Laura Berry helped out in the gardens and worked with students during our farm camps and summer school. Sam and Samantha worked primarily at State Road Elementary, tending the garden and helping with student programs. Laura worked mainly at Hamilton-SOTA I doing garden maintenance, assisting with recess lessons, and helping with media.
Jimy Chun is a preceptor for Grow La Crosse this summer and fall. She has helped a lot with farm camp, Seeds for Success and the school gardens. She’s planning to help with the garden lessons and composting this fall.
There are so many people that make GROW La Crosse’s vision a reality. We can’t fully express how much we appreciate all of you who have donated countless hours of your time to bring GROW La Crosse to where we are today. Thank you!
Fall Festival on the Farm
Volunteers are needed for our 4th annual Fall Festival on the Farm! Saturday, September 24, 2016 from 2:00-7:00pm at Deep Roots Community Farm we need people to help set up, run activities and more. All volunteers receive a free entrance ticket.
Check out volunteer opportunities here.
This year, The Franke Foundation has generously offered to double all profit made on the silent auction up to $4,000! This money will go toward upkeep of the school gardens and educational programming throughout the year.
To find more information on how to get involved click below.