We need your help!
Connect children to healthy food and nature!
Say “yes” to healthy food and nature! Donate to our Sponsor A School Garden Campaign. Every bit counts.
Four years ago, the State Road School garden was started as a pilot program to gauge interest of teachers, parents and the community in school gardens. Due to its great success, many other schools have requested to have Grow La Crosse school gardens. In order to expand to expand our programming, we need community support.
Garden Education:
- Grow La Crosse provides quality garden programming and maintain the garden. This allows teachers and school staff to focus on the students and ensures the gardens sustainability.
- Children taste fresh produce nearly every time they come out for a garden education session.
- Produce from the garden is used in GROW recipe demonstrations, in the cafeteria, taken home with family volunteers, used in summer school and given to area shelters.
- Research has shown programs that engage children in seed-to-table experiences are more successful at increasing fruit and vegetable consumption than any other methods.
Volunteer Opportunity
We need your help! GROW La Crosse is looking for Fall Festival attendees to help with set up, take down, silent auctions, and much more on September 23rd at 11am. Fall Festival on the Farm is our biggest event of the year filled with food, fun, and live music and we can only make it happen with the help from our volunteers. Shifts typically run for about three hours depending on the type of job. For details and to sign up, click here.
Thrivent Financial Open House and Action Team Day
Heather Young and Jay Podella are teaming up to benefit a few local nonprofits in the La Crosse area (including GROW La Crosse) on Saturday, September 9th from 11-3. Thrivent recently moved into the Batavian Building downtown La Crosse and they are hosting an open house to show it off! During the open house, Thrivent is introducing a creative way to give back to the community. They are asking visitors to bring an item from one of the nonprofit’s wishlist as a donation to the organization. Below is GROW La Crosse’s wishlist! If you are able to provide any of these items it would be greatly appreciated. Delicious food will be provided and 94.7 Classic Hits will be there to broadcast the event. If you would like to attend, please RSVP on the event on our Facebook page.
Raised garden beds
Organic soil blend
Picnic tables
Organic seeds and plants
Flat nylon drip hoses
Garden gloves
Kids trowels
Standard Dual Wheelborrow
Long Handled Garden Hoe
Lighting for garden area
Stamped Cement
Organic soil
Non-treated Lumber for raised beds or raised beds Hand trowels Wheelborrow Children’s gloves Chain link fence Garden Hose Drip lines Organic Seeds and Plants
Nylon Drip Hose
More permaculture plants