
Newsletter 5.20.2020

Connecting children to healthy food and nature
Halfway There
GROWing Generosity was a successful first-time virtual event.  If you were not able to attend on Facebook we have shared most of the videos and pictures from the live event to our webpage.  Please stop over to learn more about our programs and what we have been up to this year. 

GROWing Generosity is typically our largest fundraiser each year.  This is not a typical year.  We rely on grants, sponsorships and donations to provide school garden and farm experiences to the children we serve. We understand many businesses and individuals are not be able to give as they have in the past.  However, we also know there are many people who are looking for ways to make a positive impact during this time of uncertainty.  Your donation will help us reach our financial goal – we are halfway there.  Any amount given will go directly to providing opportunities to connect children to healthy food and nature.  Sharing our story is another wonderful way to help.  Your support is priceless.
Click the photo below to be directed to GROWing Generosity on our webpage.

Celebrate Wisconsin School Garden Day
Join us to celebrate Wisconsin School Garden Day on May 21, 2020.  We will be giving live garden tours on Facebook from three garden sites.  Jamie will kick off the day with a tour from State Road Elementary in the morning, Linda will take us on a walk through the Hintgen Elementary mid-day.  Finally, Kari will show us around the Hamilton/SOTA 1 garden in the early evening.  If you aren’t a Facebook user you can find their videos on our webpage early next week. 

We will be celebrating together separately.  We encourage everyone to celebrate Wisconsin School Garden Day in a way that best fits your day.  There are so many ways to celebrate, even without access to a school garden. You, your family, and/or your child can:Draw a picture of a plant, a flower, a pollinator, or a gardenWrite a short poem about gardens or gardening, or read a story about gardensGo for a walk and observe neighbors’ gardens or the trees and animals in a local parkWe would love to see and share pictures of any activity you do to celebrate.  Please send pictures to
Ana shares a spring update from Deep Roots Community Farm.
Thank You for Supporting GROW!
 Thank you to all who donated to and participated in GROWing Generosity.  Thanks to our sponsors for donating to this year’s virtual fundraiser event.Donate