
Newsletter 7.9.2020

Connecting children to healthy food and nature
Farm Camp Cancellation 
In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, we have made the hard decision to cancel all farm programming at Deep Roots Community Farm through at least September 15th. Based on the La Crosse County Health Department’s designation of our county as red/severe risk of Covid spread we need to do our part to keep our community safe and healthy, and in particular to protect the more vulnerable people in our community. We look forward to resuming our work on the farm to connect children to healthy food and nature as soon as it is safe to do so.Virtual Bountiful Garden Tour
The Virtual Bountiful Garden Tour is live and we are accepting submissions now through July 31st. Details of submission types and rules can be found at We cannot wait to see your garden!Garden Highlight – MELA
We are excited to have been able to spread GROW’s mission all the way to Maple Grove, Minnesota. The Minnesota Excellence Learning Academy location is beginning to come into bloom for the summer season. We thank Grove Health Dental for their continuous support and sponsorship of our MELA location!

Thank You Strive2Thrive for sponsoring GROW!
 Our Virtual Bountiful Garden Tour would not be possible without the support of Strive2Thrive – Coulee Region. We at GROW thank you for helping us continue to unite the community, even through uncertain times.Donate