Garden Volunteer Process
Gardens are essential to providing healthy locally grown food. Our school gardens are a source of fresh produce for our community. To ensure our gardens are cared for regularly and properly we ask volunteers to follow our easy volunteer process.
- Fill out the Volunteer Interest Survey by clicking the button below. This will help us to know what type of volunteer work you are looking for and so that we can be sure to get you all of the volunteer communication.
- All 1st time garden volunteers are asked to complete a garden orientation before doing any garden work. If you need schedule an orientation please contact Bonnie@growlacrosse.org.
- After work in the garden please, fill out our Garden Volunteer Report to help us track the work being done in the gardens, who volunteered and how much produce was harvested.
Garden Volunteer Sign Up Schedules:
• Hintgen Elementary School Garden Summer Volunteer Schedule Sign Up
• State Road Elementary School Garden Summer Volunteer Schedule Sign Up
• Hamilton / SOTAI School Garden Summer Volunteer Schedule Sign Up
• La Crescent - Hokah School Garden Volunteer Schedule Sign Up
• North Woods School Garden Volunteer Schedule Sign Up
• Summit Environmental School Volunteer Schedule Sign Up
• Spence Elementary School Volunteer Schedule Sign Up
Community Work Days
We will be hosting community work days at each of the school gardens throughout the growing season. Volunteers can help at any garden. Some of the garden work days have been adopted by work teams from local businesses and colleges.
Reach out to info@GROWLaCrosse.org if you have a group that would like to adopt a community work day.
Pollinator Workshop / Workday at Hamilton / SOTA I School Garden,
June 15th 9am - 12. Sign up Here!
Other Volunteer Opportunities
Please subscribe to our newsletter and follow us on Facebook for current volunteer opportunities. You will find volunteer sign ups on this page when available.
*You do need a cleared background check to volunteer during garden lessons. To ensure you are cleared to volunteer at a school garden you must have a complete background check through the school district. Each district has it's own process of doing a background check. Please follow the link below for the school you wish to volunteer for.
La Crescent-Hokah School District
Greenhouse Opportunities
We do not currently have any volunteer opportunities in the greenhouse.