Plant Giveaway Winners
Congratulations to our plant Sale winners!
Brittney Gibbs, Ryan Knox, John Sullivan, Alyssa Gray, and Rachel Teske have won our plant sale giveaway!
Our annual plant sale is fast approaching, and every year we showcase winners from different events before the sales kick off. This year our lucky winners get to take home three free plants form our sales. Bring your information to any of our locations at any day to claim your prize, and thank you for entering our giveaway! Come support our organization and local growing the first week of May at our various locations and dates. More information here.
State Road Clean Up Day
Spring is here and all its changes are obvious in the soil and on the branches. The La Crosse Community Forest Project is preparing to bloom like the budding leaves of spring. Join the Outdoor Recreation Alliance and GROW La Crosse for a day of fun and work in the school garden and community forest at State Road School on April 29th. The event will take place from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm.
The day will open with a quick blast of morning yoga at 9:15 followed by ongoing work and fun. This is an opportunity to learn about great projects going on near State Road School and get involved as a volunteer, donor, or general supporter of access to nature and health education. You can expect to participate in cleaning and prepping of garden beds, mulching raspberries and other permaculture, preparing and spreading compost, guided hikes and site tours, nature games and activities, invasive species management demonstrations, and spring taste testing in the garden. Feel free to stop by for a few minutes or the entire day.
Volunteers needed: if you are interested in helping to lead a nature activity like scavenger hunts, games, or hikes, please contact Jed Olson, and we’ll put you to work.
Jed Olson ( – Outdoor Recreation Alliance – Community Forest Project Coordinator
Taste Tests at State Road
Things are going well at State Road Elementary! Students got the opportunity to learn all about peas at our latest taste test. Since the theme of this year is pollination, kids learned about pea’s self-pollination ability and taste peas in a dip recipe. Grow is continually committed to getting children first-hand experience with the food that we’re growing in the garden. Taste test lessons like this encourage a closer connection to food. Students at Hamilton/SOTA I will be trying the recipe next. The recipe from the lesson is below.