Spotlight: State Road School Garden
It’s been a great year for the Grow La Crosse State Road school garden.
This was Grow La Crosse’s first garden. I think you’ll agree- it’s still going strong. We had an attendance of 95% at our lessons. All children had the opportunity to come out to the garden multiple times through the growing season.
Here are some fun notes from the State Road Program Director, Kari Bersagel-Braley:
During our “Noticing in the garden” lesson, kindergarteners sat quietly in their “sit spots” all around the garden using their senses to experience the garden. Their observing was very focused and many students had smiles on their faces and wonder in their eyes as they whispered excitedly to a neighbor what they had noticed.
Many teachers said that our garden experience of “noticing” and “wondering” using our senses was one of the best lessons they’ve experienced.
Before introducing our lesson on how and why plants make seeds, a second grade boy raised his hand and said, “Thank you for doing that lettuce wrap lesson with us last time. That was so fun!”
“Garden lessons are my favorite!”—3rd grader at State Road
Thank you to our sponsors who make educational programming and maintenance possible at State Road Elementary School. Programming would not be possible without the following support:
Make these Programs Possible
Please consider making a gift this time of year to help support these efforts.
Consider what your gift means to a child who lives without access to gardens and farms. A gift of $20 helps provide plants for a garden bed. $50 helps provide children with a taste test lesson. A gift of $150 helps provide three classrooms with a hands-on garden lesson.