Edible Schoolyard Celebration
Edible School Yard Celebration The Edible Schoolyard at Hamilton/SOTA Early Learning Center is ready for student learning after two and a half years of combined community efforts planning and planting. On Thursday, November 7th students, teachers, volunteers and neighbors will gather in the Edible Schoolyard to celebrate the culmination of the collaborative efforts bringing the Edible Schoolyard near completion.Thank You SAPNear the end of October, fifteen volunteers came from SAP to help students plant fruit trees, shrubs and anchor plants in section four of the edible schoolyard. Students were very excited to work with all of the adults to dig holes, look for worms and bring their schoolyard one step closer to completion. As an extra bonus, SAP awarded GROW a micro-grant to match the efforts of their employees. The funds will be put to good use for our students. |
Welcome Emerson Elementary! We have the very exciting news of Emerson Elementary joining GROW to start a garden at their school. Beginning of Spring 2020, we will work together to get this garden started. Welcome to GROW Emerson Elementary!Donate to GROW |